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Sunday, January 17, 2010


Today, I am pleased to say we now have a professional videographer who who is going to take all our rough video and edit and splice it. We will finally get all our raw footage put into a professional format!
We are working with a few producers in LA, on a Reality Show. Can't wait to get them the video they requested.


I just finished a class Pastoral counseling. It covered different aspects that a pastor might encounter in a counseling position. For the most part it was a psychology class from a pastoral point of view. One of our main assignments was to do a research and reflection paper on a psychological subject of our choice. One of my classmates did his on pedophelia. He gave some very interesting but intense statistics on 1 study that was done. The study involved 232 incarcerated men. These 232 men had 17,000 victims. Aside from these 17,000 victims there were 55,000 attempts at molestation. There were 38,000 sucsessful molestations with the 17,000 victims. Needless to say after hearing this the class was pretty disgusted. As a side note, our professor who aside from being an ordained pastor holds a PHD in different aspects of psychology and counseling and has been in private practice at times before teaching added some interesting info. He said the recetivity rate of pedophiles is 100%. The cure rate is 0%. At this time he is developing a psychological screening process for pedophiles. Another tragic aspect is the sneeking in of these disgusting people coming into churches, to try to get involved in the many children's programs that are available. It has become a major area of concern for many denominations. Through this I kept thinking about Berg and many of TF dirt bags who are some of these very ones that are some of these statistics. UGH!